There is one topic you've probably heard time & time again with car show season upon us.
No, it's not the weather although fair skies and cool breezes are fairly popular. It's not the car classifications though some may beg to differ. It's not even the locations which, as the adage goes, you can't please all the people all the time.
It's the music. You read that correctly, the music.
Yes, the iconic muscle car is deeply rooted in an era of what is now considered classic rock n roll, but if you take a look at any car show you'll likely find more than half of the participants are driving cars that are less than ten years old. Even more who were probably still on the lot earlier this year.
There was a time when the early cars and owners dominated the show fields, but with the passage of time, that dynamic has shifted. Some folks adapt better to change than others, but isn't that what the hobby is all about?
Yes, nostalgia holds an integral place in the show field, and those classic tunes will always be welcome because we should never forget where we came from. But how about where we've been and where we're heading?
How about giving some of those recent owners who cruised their Mustangs, Vettes and Mopars listening to those iconic songs of the '70's. '80's & '90's the opportunity to sing along? While we're at it, what's wrong with throwing in a few of those country songs that everyone knows while we're at it?
Let's mix it up a little bit. Our hobby is more than the sum of it's parts. It's cruisin' with the radio on jamming to both the oldies and today's popular tunes.
Today's car shows have something for everyone, it's time the music did too.
Just sayin'.
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